Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blog reconstruction

I've been searching all night for a new blog layout that I like...it ended in failure. Either there really is nothing out there that I like or I'm just in one heck of a mood. Sorry that I can't keep my template for longer than a few weeks, I get bored so easily with templates. ((Sigh!!)) So, if you come to my blog and it doesn't look like much then chances are, it's undergoing reconstructive maintenance!

1 comment:

  1. haha...I change mine A LOT. But I love the simplicity of the new template. Go to http://btemplates.com/

    That's where I've found my last two and the one for the community blog. They are a zipped file so you have to unzip them to get the XML code but they are pretty easy to install now that I've figured out how. lol




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