Saturday, April 9, 2011

A-Z blogging challenge [h]


Featured today: the letter [h]

The letter [h] is for:


home·school [hohm-skool]

–verb (used with object)
1. to teach (one's children) at home instead of sending them to school.
–verb (used without object)
2. to educate one's children at home.
 This topic has been weighing on my mind quite a lot lately. I've come to the decision that this option might be best fitter for my daughter and this family. There are many factors that come into play with this but it all comes down to this {home school} being a major benefit to her. I want to get her out of the classroom and into an environment where she will be able to put all of her focus and attention onto on task. Rather than worry about the pressures she may be receiving from peers in the classroom. 
This is going to be a MAJOR change, should I decide to enroll her in an online public school program. But where it sits now, this is the road we are about to venture onto this fall.
Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I've heard so many positive reasons for doing homeschooling and if a parent is able to do this then it's not a bad idea. I grew up in public schools, but in a much better era for that type of schooling. As a single parent when my kids were growing up, homeschooling was not a viable option for me, but I was fortunate to have my kids in school districts that were pretty good. Good luck to you in your endeavor.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge




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