Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A-Z challenge:::A is for

Okay, so this started up a few days ago but I'm getting a late start therefore I will have several posts just to catch up! I just read about it a little bit ago.

:::A is for:::

automobile-I'd love to have a new one. 
addition-which reminds me of math...which I hate!
adult-I was a legal adult when I turned 18, really felt like an adult at 20 when I had my first child and am REALLY feeling it now that I'll be turning 30 this summer!!
addiction-that's a tough one for me: chocolate OR dr. pepper....yeah,  tough one!
animation: animated movie- my two favorites just happen to start with {a} also-aladdin &  ariel (the little mermaid)

1 comment:

  1. I responded to you directly via email but I'll repeat the message here to make sure you get it.

    If you didn't make it in time to sign up on the A to Z Linky List before it closed, you can still join in on the fun of blogging from A to Z. Post your daily entries for each letter. Then make sure you go through the list to visit others who are doing the Challenge and leave a comment. In your comment let them know you are participating in the A to Z Challenge and invite them to visit your blog as well. If you become a follower of the blogs you visit and leave comments many of them will do the same for you.

    It will help greatly if you end each comment with a signature that includes a link to your blog. There is some more information on how to do this at This Is Important.

    You don't have to be on the list to join in. Just post daily and be sure to network with other bloggers.

    Have fun!

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge




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